Tuesday, June 7, 2011

rome post 3

Rome compared to today

·         Military prowess can lead to political rise
·         The rich have more power in society
·         Religious tolerance was an issue for different religious faiths
·         Coin was used for the economy alike ours
·         Food seemed like ours
·         Diverse cultures under one banner
·         Romans had a republic at first based off of 2 consuls where we have on president.
·         Romans believed in slavery
·         Required military service for citizenship of the family
·         Riches elevated your political status easily

roman post 4

MVP-Augustus Julius Ceaser

I have Augustus as the MVP of Rome. He was an excellent politician and unified the empire. He was Rome's first emperor and ended civil war. His defeat of Mark Anthony and Cleopatra secured a safe roman empire united under one emperor. With this military victory it enabled him to stabilize the empire. This showed his military prowess and that he was a superior tactician.

He also, reformed much f the Roman empire ranging from everyday laws to military codes. These military changes limited the size of the army to make it more manageable and efficient. Also, he changed many everyday things mainly focusing on water supply to the city. His combination of military superiority, political genius, and also public servitude makes him my MVP.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Greek blog#3

Sources for table:

The main gods from my research were as follows:
Zeus and Hera (King and Queen of Gods)
Posieden and Hades ( Gods of Death and the Sea, also brothers of Zeus)
Hermes( Messanger of the Gods)
Ares and Aphrodite ( God of War and Goddess of Beuty and Love)
Apollo ( God of Light)
Athena ( Goddess of Wisdom)
Eros ( also God of Love)

Greek blog#5

Top 5 Ancient Greek Contributions:
1. Modern Government structure( how we base our democracy)
2.Military drilling and schooling

All 5 gave modern day society many major things in our lives. Our government structure or base was built off of the example of the Ancient Greek city-states. Our military drills are also structured in the way the ancient Spartans strictly drilled their soldiers.Much of our knowledge of Greek mythology derives from the Odyssey and Iliad which were all made during the time of the Ancient Greeks. Our government architecture models that of Ancient Greek buildings, especially the column work at the Lincoln Memorial and the White House. Finally, theatre is a big thing in everyday life from Hollywood to school plays, all originating from the public shows in Ancient Greece. All are great contributions to modern day society and are essential for our further development into the future.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Greek blog#4

This would make a great cover for the cahpter. It shows alot of the Greek main gods sitting atop Olympus and portrays Greek culture and what the chapter will talk about rather well.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Greek blog#2

Sparta VS. Athens
  Athens and Sparta are the typical opposites which show how two different societal structures can work. The Athenians were a very democratic and closest at the time to our type of government with voting and structured law. The Spartan society was very militaristic and would coincide with Darwin's expanded theory of "survival of the fittest." The Spartans were a powerful force, but secluded to many of the population and could not keep up these old ways of singling out "perfect" soldiers since they eventually declined due to a shortage of warriors and increase of Helots. The Athenians also had their own flaws such as they're overly peaceful ways which at that time would have weakened their hopes for expansion compared to Sparta's aggressive nature.

If I could choose to join one of these nations it would most defiantly be the Spartans. They are a much stronger nation and better suited for that time. For me, It would be easier to assimilate into their culture of a military view since for me I do plan on joining the military and all my steps before that are to prepare me for this. Not to be perfect since no one can be, but to prepare myself as much as possible. So, their culture would fit along side my modern day thinking and I would enjoy at least living a day in the Spartan military.

Greek blog#1

Things I learned from quizes:

1.55,000 years ago the Minoans lived in Greece.
2.Mycenaeans were a warring nation that eventually took over Crete.
3.Linear B was the form of writing used by the Minoans.
4.Most centers for city forts were built atop the Acropilis.
5.An agora is a marketplace.
6.Homer made oral poetry into 2 great epics.
7.The Olympics were held to honor the Gods.
8.Hoplites were heavy infantry who carried long spears.
9.The Iliad was about the Trojan war.
10.The Odyssey was about mycean king after the Trojan War.
11.Sparta was known for its military discipline and physical strength.
12.Helots were the lower class of the Spartan city state.
13.Athens was known well for its democracy and laws.
14.Spartan goals were to make every adult male part of the military and to incorporate them into it.
15.In 621 B.C. is the first written law in Athens.
16.Metics in Athens were free and not born of Athens.
17.Metics could not participate in the Government or own land.
18.Trade was the main supply of Athenian income.
19.Athenian women were citizens, but had no rights to vote or land.
20.Girls usually married around 13-14 to older men.
21.Most Athenians believed in spending for the common good.
22.Athenians placed great value in learning and literacy.
23.Hoplites were the bulk of the Athenian infantry.
24. The Delian league was the alliance of Greek-city states against Persia.
25.Xerxes defeated the Spartans at the battle of Thermopylae.